Personal Loans - October 4th Can You Sell a Car With Finance Owing? There are plenty of reasons why you may want to sell your car. A lifestyle change may warrant a down, or up, size. Perhaps you’ve gone green and only take the bus now. Or maybe …
Online Share Trading - October 3rd Should You Invest in Gold? Author: Marissa Hayden Why invest in gold? Gold is valued for its relative rarity, its unique lustre and for its durability. Ancient societies used gold as coinage because it doesn’t corrode and because it doesn’t react easily with other …
Cryptocurrency - October 3rd Best Investments for Young Kiwis Author: Marissa Hayden Let’s face it, being young today is hard. Rent is expensive, food is expensive, uni is expensive and the less said about housing the better. But even if it takes hundreds of years …
KiwiSaver Funds - October 2nd How to Access Your KiwiSaver Early When can you access your KiwiSaver? KiwiSaver is a superannuation or retirement scheme. As this suggests, you get access to it when you're of retirement age. Currently, that age is 65. To clarify, you don’t have …
Credit Cards - October 2nd What is the Gem Visa Credit Card? Here at Canstar, we spend a lot of time analysing, comparing and rating different types of credit cards. We look at all the big players and the range of different types of cards on the …
Budgeting & Saving Money - October 1st How Much of My Income Should Go Towards Rent? Housing is a significant cost in New Zealand. Not only for those chipping away on a mortgage amidst rising interest rates. But also for the roughly one-third of Kiwis living in rentals. In fact, the …
Home Loans - October 1st Does New Zealand Have a Capital Gains Tax? What You Need to Know Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last several years, or perhaps, just living abroad, you will have heard all about capital gains tax (CGT). It’s a contentious topic that has divided the …
KiwiSaver Funds - September 29th How to Pick Your KiwiSaver Fund It has been a mixed year for KiwiSaver. The latest report by the Financial Markets Authority shows that the average Kiwisaver balance has risen 4.3%, while investment returns were down $1.9 billion. So, knowing how …
Home Loans - September 28th Rentvesting: How it Works and the Pros and Cons Many Kiwis see property as a desirable asset to hold because property values continue to grow over the long term and, importantly for people who are investors, the rent can form part of their passive …
Pet Insurance - September 27th How to Speak Dog: A Simple Guide Do dogs really understand what you're saying? If you’ve been stuck at home with a bored dog, or have heard them forewarn of the arrival of a courier, you'll know that they can make a LOT …