Home & Contents Insurance - February 20th How to Save on Home and Contents Insurance The cost of insuring your home and its contents can vary massively based on factors including where in the country you live, the materials used to build your home and the value of its contents. …
Budgeting & Saving Money - February 18th Free Financial Advice in NZ: Where to Find it If your budget is tight, but you feel like you could use some guidance on managing your debt, investing, KiwiSaver, insurance, or other aspects of managing your money, there may be ways to get financial …
Pet Insurance - February 15th 7 Reasons to Compare Puppy Insurance Quotes Early On Why should you compare puppy insurance early? Getting insurance for your canine while they’re still young brings several benefits across cost and cover for both you and your furry friend. On the other hand, if you …
Home Loans - February 15th Squirrel: What is Overcapitalisation? What is overcapitalisation? When you break it down, overcapitalisation is basically when you spend money on a renovation that won't be recouped by your home's increase in value. It can happen with any part of the …
Credit Card Rewards - February 12th Responsible Borrowing: the Difference Between Good and Bad Debt There’s a time to borrow and there’s a time to save. In many respects, it’s a truthful adage. People have always borrowed money. Governments have always borrowed money. Used wisely, debt can be a tool to …
Car Insurance - February 12th Buying a Car: Cash or Finance? What does it mean to buy with "cash"? Buying a car with cash means paying for the entire cost of the vehicle upfront using your own funds, typically in the form of physical cash, with a …
Home & Contents Insurance - February 12th Ending A Lease: What Are Your Responsibilities as a Renter? What are the renter's responsibilities? Before moving day As a renter, you have certain responsibilities that you must meet before you move out. These include: Giving notice: give at least 28 days’ written notice to end a …
First Home Buyers - February 9th What Happens to Your Mortgage in a Divorce? What Happens to Your Mortgage in a Divorce? In this guide we cover: What happens to a home and mortgage during divorce? Buying out the other party - what's involved? What about income inequality? …
Pet Insurance - February 9th Diabetes in Dogs and Cats: What You Need to Know What's the link between obesity and pet diabetes? A recent estimate from veterinarian supplier Animates classifies over 40% of dogs and 30% of cats in New Zealand as obese. It’s clear that pet weight gain is …
Savings Accounts - February 1st How to Save Money in NZ Best savings accounts Finding the right savings account for you can keep your hard earned money safe and even earn you more, through interest. The table below displays some of the regular saver accounts on our …