Car Insurance Star Ratings

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Canstar’s Car Insurance Star Ratings 2024

Looking for the best value insurance cover for your car? Let Canstar’s Car Insurance Star Ratings be your guide to the best value car insurance policies in the market!

Canstar’s Car Insurance Star Ratings compare the cost and features of policies from 13 different insurance providers across six consumer profiles:

Compare Comprehensive Car Insurance Star Ratings by profile:

See Important Information below.

NZ 30- to 49-year-old Driver: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating
state insurance logo

ANZ First home Buyers

NZ Under 25-year-old Male: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating
state insurance logo
ANZ First home Buyers


NZ Under 25-year-old Female: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating
state insurance logo
ANZ First home Buyers

NZ 25- to 29-year-old Driver: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating

state insurance logo

ANZ First home Buyers


Family with Young Driver: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating

ANZ First home Buyers
state insurance logo

NZ +50-year-old Driver: Full/Comprehensive Cover

Provider Star Rating
state insurance logo

ANZ First home Buyers

What is car insurance?

Car insurance gives drivers some protection from financial loss if their car is involved in an accident, is stolen, is damaged in a weather event or another risk included on your policy. If your car is damaged or written off, or you damage someone else’s vehicle in an accident, the cost to you could be significant, and a car insurance policy is designed to cover the majority of that cost.

Comprehensive car insurance is the highest level of car insurance coverage. It provides a level of financial cover for damage to other people’s cars and property in an accident, damage to your own vehicle caused by fire or theft, and accidental damage to your own vehicle, regardless of who caused the damage. It may also provide additional types of cover, such as damage to your car from storms or vandalism, depending on the insurer and policy you choose.

A comprehensive car insurance policy may also let you choose between market value and agreed value for your policy, meaning you could get a say in how much you’ll be paid in the event that your car is stolen or written off, depending on the policy. However, your choice may affect your premiums.

Choosing the policy that’s right for you could depend in part on what you can comfortably afford, so it may be worth considering the type of cover that suits your needs and your budget. For example, would you prefer the high level cover generally offered by a comprehensive policy, or would a lower level of cover be enough?


What does car insurance cover?

Car insurance covers policyholders for damage caused or costs incurred by unforeseen accidents or events involving the car they insure. The exact risks that are covered will depend on the level of cover that you have. For example, third party cover generally only covers costs if you damage someone else’s property in an accident, whereas comprehensive car insurance provides protection for a more extensive range of risks. Depending on the insurer and policy you choose, comprehensive car insurance could cover:

  • Accidental damage
  • Theft/vandalism
  • Storm/flood
  • Fire damage
  • Earthquake
  • Towing costs
  • Transport from an accident
  • Hire car costs following theft
  • Hire car costs following a no-fault accident

What types of car insurance are available in New Zealand?

Although policies offered by different car insurers will vary, the types of car insurance can be boiled down to three levels of cover.

Third party insurance

The most basic type of insurance, it covers all or part of your legal liability if you harm another person or damage their property. You will not be covered for damage to your own vehicle.

Third party, fire & theft cover

This is the same kind of insurance as standard third party, with additional cover for fire damage and theft. Some insurance companies will have policies that also cover damage caused by natural disasters.

Comprehensive insurance

This is the highest level of car insurance, covering you for almost anything that could happen on the road, or by the side of it. If you damage yours or another person’s property, you won’t be required to pay the full amount for repairs – only the pre-agreed excess amount.


How do I compare car insurance quotes online?

Canstar’s Star Ratings are one factor you could use to help you compare comprehensive car insurance policies before getting a quote online. Our Ratings use a sophisticated and unique methodology that compares both price and features across products on our database. You can compare policies based on their Star Ratings using our above tables.

In addition, these are some of the other factors you may want to take into account when comparing car insurance policies:

  • The premiums being charged
  • The level of cover you are getting
  • Whether the risks most relevant to you are covered by the policy (e.g. if your area is prone to flooding, you may want a car insurance policy that covers this)
  • The level of service the insurer offers (e.g. its claims service)
  • Whether the insurer allows you to pay monthly at no extra cost
  • Any discounts offered by the insurer
  • Are there any additional inclusions, either complimentary or at at any extra cost (e.g. roadside assistance)

What’s the best car insurance for me?

The best car insurance policy for you will depend on your circumstances and the level of cover you are looking for. In assessing policies, you may like to ask yourself questions such as:

  • Are you looking to keep premium costs down or are you willing to pay more for a higher degree of cover?
  • How often do you think you’ll need to claim on the policy? Opting for a higher car insurance excess could save you some money on premiums, in exchange for leaving you with higher out-of-pocket costs should you have to make a claim.
  • How often do you drive your car? If you rely heavily on your car, you might want to prioritise a higher level of cover so you won’t be off the road for too long if your car is damaged.
  • Are there any particular risks that you want cover for? For example, is your area prone to flooding or car thefts?
  • Would it be better for your budget to pay your premiums monthly or annually, and would you be prepared to pay more overall for the convenience of monthly payments?
  • If you are looking for comprehensive cover, how have Canstar’s expert researchers rated the policies you are considering? This can give you an idea of which policies offer the best value for money overall, based on the factors considered.

Looking for the cheapest car insurance?

When you’re shopping around for cover, you may simply want to get the cheapest car insurance policy you can find. It can be important to also keep in mind the level of protection you’re getting for your money. For example, with optional forms of cover, third party property may be the cheapest car insurance in most situations, but it won’t cover you if your car is damaged in an accident or stolen.

Even if you decide on a higher level of cover, like comprehensive, there may be ways to keep the cost down. Some insurers offer discounts if you pay your premium annually or take out the policy online as opposed to over the phone, or you could opt to pay a higher excess if you need to make a claim. It can also help to shop around and compare quotes online from a number of insurers. These techniques may help you get value for your money, while still getting a higher level of cover than the cheapest car insurance might offer.

Car Insurer of the Year Award
Outstanding Value Car Insurance
Most Satisfied Customers | Car Insurance Award
Most Satisfied Customers | Car Insurance Claims Award

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View Most Satisfied Customers Car Insurance Award

  • The Star Ratings in this table were awarded September 2024. The current features, rates and fees may be different to what was rated. The Star Rating shown is only one factor to take into account when considering a product. See our Ratings Methodology.
  • The initial table display is sorted by Star Rating and then alphabetically by company.
  • Any advice on this page is general and has not taken into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider whether this general financial advice is right for your personal circumstances. You may need financial advice from a qualified adviser. Canstar is not providing a recommendation for your individual circumstances. See our Detailed Disclosure.
  • Data in the table is updated from time to time to reflect product changes notified to us by product issuers. Check current product details and investment options with the product issuer. Consider the Product Disclosure Statement before making a purchase decision.
  • The table above may not include all providers in the market and may not compare all features relevant to you. Canstar is not providing a recommendation for your individual circumstances.
  • Canstar may earn a fee for referrals from its website tables, and from sponsorship (advertising) of certain products. Payment of sponsorship fees does not influence the star rating that Canstar awards to a sponsored product. Fees payable by product providers for referrals and sponsorship may vary between providers, website position, and revenue model. Sponsorship fees may be higher than referral fees. Sponsored products are clearly disclosed as such on website pages. They may appear in a number of areas of the website such as in comparison tables, on hub pages and in articles. Sponsored products may be displayed in a fixed position in a table, regardless of the product’s rating, price or other attributes. The table position of a sponsored product does not indicate any ranking, rating or endorsement by Canstar. See How We Get Paid for further information.