Car Insurance - October 1st Best Car Insurance for Older Drivers It's a well-known fact that car insurance for young drivers can be costly. Statistically speaking, young drivers are the most likely to cost insurers in payouts. And while getting older can bring premiums down, it's …
Car Insurance - October 1st Best Car Insurance for Families with Young Drivers Young drivers are the riskiest drivers on the road. Statistically speaking at least. And that risk is reflected in car insurance for young drivers, which typically comes at a premium. So if you've got a …
Car Insurance - October 1st The Best Car Insurance for Drivers Aged 30-49 Finding the best car insurance isn't always easy. Not only do insurers make it hard to compare prices, but their policies and deals change depending on things such as your age, driving history, or even …
Car Insurance - October 1st Best Car Insurance for Drivers Aged 25-29 Finding the best car insurance isn't always easy. Not only can it be hard to compare prices, but policies and deals change depending on details such as your age. For example, young drivers can expect …
Car Insurance - October 1st Best Car Insurance for Learner and Young Drivers You don't have to take out car insurance. But accidents do happen. And a lot of them. According to the Insurance Council of New Zealand, $1.5 billion in car insurance claims were made last year. And for …
Car Insurance - October 1st Warrant of Fitness: How Much Does a WoF Cost? Getting a warrant of fitness (WoF) for your vehicle is a legal requirement if you plan to drive it on public roads, and you risk a hefty fine if you're busted driving without one. So …
Car Insurance - September 26th Canstar’s Best Value Car Insurance Awards 2024 When it comes time to renew your car insurance policy, do you stick with your current provider, or shop around for a better deal? While it's easy to just renew your policy each year, you …
Car Insurance - August 19th FMG: Kiwi Consumers’ No. 1 Choice for Car Insurance It's clear that the reassurance offered by comprehensive car insurance is important for Kiwi motorists. Canstar's research for its Most Satisfied Customers | Car Insurance Award reveals that 87% of insured drivers have comprehensive cover. But …
Car Insurance - August 8th Electric Motorbikes: What’s Available in New Zealand? Hybrid and electric cars now make up a third of all new cars on our roads. However, electric motorbikes are yet to prove as popular. Major bike manufacturers haven't embraced electric power, and those electric motorcycles …
Car Insurance - April 29th Simple Guide to Car Insurance In many countries, if you drive your vehicle on the road, it's compulsory to have some level of car insurance. However, it's not a legal requirement in New Zealand. But should you still consider taking …