Home Loans - January 18th Tips on how to get a home loan Co-author: Mitchell Watson At the end of 2018, the median house price across New Zealand sat at $560, 000, up 1.5% from December, 2017, according to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand’s monthly report, We're guessing …
Home Loans - January 15th What are the pros and cons of interest-only mortgages? Co-authors: Ellie McLachlan and Olivia Fairhurst Some people might view an interest-only mortgage as an attractive choice when considering finance options for a home. However, interest-only loans were designed with very specific types of borrowers in mind, and …
Home Loans - January 9th How much will your mortgage really cost? Co-author: Ellie McLachlan One of the main determining factors of the cost of your mortgage is the interest rate. Even though home loan interest rates are comparatively low at the moment, a mortgage can end up …
Home Loans - January 6th The hidden costs of building your own home Co-author: Olivia Fairhurst There are a great deal of potential hidden costs, just waiting to jump out at you and destroy your building budget. Here are five common ones: 1. Soil test and contour survey Before any builder …
Home Loans - December 23rd The cost of buying a home: What to consider Co-author: Justine Davies In addition to the home loan itself, there are plenty of upfront costs when buying a home. Costs which, particularly for first home buyers, may come as a shock. Here are nine of the …
Home Loans - November 27th More low deposit lending up for grabs for first home buyers Come New Year, banks will be allowed to issue 5% more low deposit home loans, thanks to a LVR regulation change, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) announced today (28 November). From 1 January 2019 onwards, …
First Home Buyers - September 4th Buying a House Vs Building a House Co-author Michelle Norton Pros: You know what you’re getting Buying an established home means you know what you’re getting in three keys ways. First, the potential defects of an established home are often visible, or show up in …
Finance News - August 13th Should you buy acreage or rural property? Always something to fix, chop down, cut up, paint, wire, clean, change, move … but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Life on acreage is bliss. “Why on earth would you want to live that …
Home Loans - July 10th How to get home loan pre-approval Want to get into your new home quicker? What is the home loan pre-approval process? The home loan pre-approval process, also known as conditional approval or approval in principle, is when your bank conditionally approves or denies you for a …
Home Loans - June 24th How to switch home loans Some borrowers may be able to save thousands of dollars by switching home loan providers, and this article explains how to do it. Why switch home loans? There are thousands of home loans available on the market, …