First Home Buyers - April 2nd Squirrel’s Top Tips to Save Thousands on You Mortgage One of the not so awesome truths about homeownership is that over lifetime of your mortgage, on a typical New Zealand house, it’s not uncommon to fork out almost as much in interest payments as …
First Home Buyers - April 1st What are the Average Interest Rates on NZ Home Loans? Not all mortgages are created equal. Many variables affect the interest rates on offer. These include your choice of lender, the size of your deposit, and whether you're an investor, a first home buyer or …
Banking & Insurance - March 14th Consumer Pulse Report 2024 Here at Canstar, we canvass the opinions of many thousands of ordinary Kiwi consumers every year. It's research that forms the basis of our banking, KiwiSaver and insurance awards, and also our Consumer Pulse reports. Each …
First Home Buyers - March 12th How to Refinance a Mortgage What is refinancing a mortgage? Refinancing a mortgage means replacing a current home loan with a new one. Many people refinance to secure a lower interest rate, or to access the equity in their home to …
Home Loans - February 23rd Can You Use KiwiSaver to Buy a House in Australia? Can you use your KiwiSaver to buy a house in Australia? The short answer is yes. But you will be restricted to a maximum of A$15,000. It's pretty straightforward to transfer your KiwiSaver to a compatible Australian …
Home Loans - February 15th Squirrel: What is Overcapitalisation? What is overcapitalisation? When you break it down, overcapitalisation is basically when you spend money on a renovation that won't be recouped by your home's increase in value. It can happen with any part of the …
First Home Buyers - February 9th What Happens to Your Mortgage in a Divorce? What Happens to Your Mortgage in a Divorce? In this guide we cover: What happens to a home and mortgage during divorce? Buying out the other party - what's involved? What about income inequality? …
Banking & Insurance - January 25th Prenuptial Agreements: A Full Guide What is a prenuptial agreement? A prenuptial agreement, often known as a "prenup", is a legal contract entered into by a couple before they get married or enter into a civil partnership. This agreement outlines the …
First Home Buyers - January 10th Asbestos in a Home NZ: All You Need to Know Why is asbestos dangerous? Asbestos is a strong and heat-resistant material that was once used in buildings and products. But, breathing in tiny asbestos fibers can seriously harm your lungs and even cause cancer. That's why …
Banking & Insurance - January 10th How Much Do I Need to Earn to Avoid Mortgage Stress? More and more home owners are facing the prospect of mortgage stress, which is defined as having to spend over a third (33%) of pre-tax household income on mortgage repayments. In January 2022, the average two-year …