Home Loans - August 3rd What is a Line of Credit Home Loan? There may be a few times in your life when you require a large sum of cash relatively quickly. Perhaps you have emergency medical expenses, or want to do a home renovation. Or maybe you …
Home Loans - August 3rd What is a Construction Loan? If you've decided to take the plunge and build your next home, you'll have lots of decisions to make: which fittings and fixtures to choose, a colour scheme and flooring choices, plus which construction loan …
Home Loans - July 31st What is a Home Loan? Property and property ownership is always a hot topic in New Zealand. Buying a property, though, usually means taking out a home loan. In this article, we explain what a home loan is, and the …
First Home Buyers - July 31st Five Tips: How to Negotiate on House Price Whether it’s after making several inspections in person and weeks of private negotiations, or through the nail-biting excitement of an auction, finalising the sale of a home is a seriously big deal. Once you’ve entered the final stages of …
Home Loans - July 30th How to Finance a Renovation in New Zealand: 5 Options Kiwis love to renovate, and it’s not hard to see the motivation behind it. A good renovation can transform a home and create substantial profits. Plan and spend your dollars wisely and you’ll take full …
First Home Buyers - July 27th What Is a LIM report and Do I Need One? Any prospective homebuyer needs to do the due diligence on the property they intend to buy. Houses are eye-wateringly expensive, and you don't want to find yourself stuck with a lemon. That's why in our recent …
First Home Buyers - July 27th Hidden Costs of Buying a Home If you’re new to the house buying game, you can be forgiven for thinking the only costs involved are the deposit and the mortgage. But unfortunately, there are hidden costs of buying a home that …
First Home Buyers - July 25th Home Buying Guide: Six Easy Steps to Buying a Home If you want to buy your dream home, or even just a humble first home, it doesn't have to cause stress and sleepless nights. Canstar's easy six-step home buying guide features all you need to …
First Home Buyers - July 24th How a Credit Score Impacts Your Ability to Get a Home Loan If you’re currently in the market for a home loan, you may have concerns about how a lender will view your application. Income, occupation and age are all factors that can potentially affect your ability …
Home Loans - July 18th Am I Too Old For A Home Loan in New Zealand? When you consider that the term of a home loan can be as long as 30 years, borrowers over a certain age may not be able to pay off their home loan before they retire. …