How to Find a Good Vet

The pet insurance experts at PD pet insurance reveal some top tips on how to find a good vet.

Finding the right vet is akin to finding a trusted family doctor. Whether you share your life with a cat or dog, a therapy animal that brings you comfort, or an assistance animal that’s there to lend a helping paw, you want the best care for your beloved friend. Here we reveal some great advice on how to find a good vet.

Ask for recommendations

Seeking recommendations is a fantastic starting point when you’re on the hunt for a good vet.

So, where can you get these recommendations? Here are some top suggestions:

  1. Ask friends and family: start by having a chat with your friends, family, and neighbours. They might have their own pets and can share their experiences with you. People you know can give you the inside scoop on local vets and share their honest opinions.
  2. Online communities: there are plenty of local online forums and social media groups where pet parents discuss their experiences with vets. Platforms such as Facebook can be a goldmine for vet recommendations.
  3. Local pet shops: your local pet shop is not just a place to buy food and toys; it’s also a hub for pet-loving communities. The staff there often have insights on good vets in the area and can point you in the right direction.
  4. Dog parks and walking groups: if you’re a dog owner, strike up conversations with fellow dog enthusiasts at the park or during group walks.
  5. Groomers and trainers: cat and dog groomers often work closely with vets and can offer insights into the best local practices.
  6. Online reviews: once you’ve gathered some recommendations, do some online research. Look up the vets’ websites and read reviews on platforms like Google or Yelp. This can give you a broader perspective on the quality of care they provide.

What are your pets’ requirements?

The second thing to consider is whether your pet has any specific requirements.

Each animal is different, and not every vet is able or willing to treat all types of pet. It’s important to realise New Zealand has a shortage of vets at the moment, so not every clinic is willing to take on all new clients.

Do your values align?

You also need to consider whether the vet practice’s philosophy matches yours, for instance: do they support charities like Healthy Pets NZ, or local rescue centres?

For this step, you need to dig deeper into their approach to ensure it’s a good fit for you and your furry companion. Are the vet’s ethical standards in line with your own? You may want to see if you align on topics like responsible breeding, spaying/neutering, and the treatment of animals in their care.

A great vet should respect your choices and decisions for your pet – offering guidance without imposing their views.

Visit the clinic

Visiting the vet’s premises is another vital step. Start by giving them a call and scheduling a visit. This will give you a chance to see the clinic and meet the staff in person. It’s also a great opportunity to ask any burning questions you might have.

Visiting a clinic is a bit like taking a test drive. It’s a chance to get a feel for the place. Trust your instincts and make sure it’s a welcoming and well-equipped environment that aligns with your expectations.

Find out if they have any specialist connections

When you’re trying to find a vet, make sure they have connections to any specialists your pet may need.

Vets are the family doctors of the pet world. And just like in human medicine, there are specialists for more complex or specific issues. If your vet has a good network of specialists they work with, it means they can quickly refer your pet to an expert if needed.

Find a vet that provides for other pet needs

A vet that offers other pet necessities like food, toys, and treats can be a real convenience. Vets often stock products that they trust and recommend, so you can count on the quality and suitability of the items on their shelves.

The vet’s staff can also give you advice tailored to your pet’s specific needs. Whether dietary recommendations or the best toys for your pet’s age and activity level, they should have you covered. Vets often stock foods and treats that align with a pet’s health needs. This means you can find options that support your pet’s well-being, whether it’s a special diet or dental care treats.

Questions to ask

Here’s a handy list of questions to ask yourself (or the vet) in order to find a practice that suits your needs:

  • Is the location suitable for you?
  • (Particularly if you’re living with mobility issues) Do they have the facilities to allow you to come and go with your pet and be with your pet to advocate for it?
  • Do the opening hours suit you?
  • What are the payment policies like?
  • Are you able to see the same vet every time, or will you be seeing different vets? Is that something that you would prefer?

See what the vet’s communication style is when you speak to them: can you understand what they’re trying to tell you? Are they speaking in plain language and are they prepared to take the time to answer your questions?

What to do once you find a vet

Finding a good vet is a two-way street. Your active participation is just as important as their expertise.

Your relationship with your vet is a collaboration for your pet. Remember to be patient and to turn up on time, and, of course, you absolutely need to advocate for your pet.

Remember, communication is key

Don’t be shy about asking questions. The more you know about your pet’s health and the vet’s recommendations, the better you can make informed decisions.

By actively participating in your pet’s care and being a responsible pet parent, you’re not only helping your vet do their job, but you’re also ensuring your pet can lead a healthy and happy life. It’s a team effort.

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About the reviewer of this page

This report was reviewed by Canstar Content Producer, Caitlin Bingham. Caitlin is an experienced writer whose passion for creativity led her to study communication and journalism. She began her career freelancing as a content writer, before joining the Canstar team.

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