AMP KiwiSaver

Compare AMP KiwiSaver
If you’re considering opening a KiwiSaver fund with AMP, check out Canstar’s latest Star Ratings for its products.
Types of AMP KiwiSaver funds
The AMP KiwiSaver Scheme offers 21 funds. Mix and match up to seven funds from three of NZ’s leading investment managers, as well as AMP’s own-branded sustainable funds, which come with lower fees.
AMP KiwiSaver also offers the Lifesteps plan. Lifesteps automatically puts your savings into the fund that best matches your age, so you don’t have to worry about changing funds as you get older.
The 21 investment options cover single-sector, responsible investment funds, goals-based funds and diversified funds. They span the range of investor profiles, from conservative to aggressive: conservative, moderate, moderately balanced, balanced, moderately aggressive, aggressive:
AMP Aggressive Fund
AMP Australasian Shares Fund
AMP Balanced Fund
AMP Balanced Fund No. 2
AMP Cash Fund
AMP Conservative Fund
AMP Global Fixed Interest Fund
AMP Growth Fund
AMP International Shares Fund
AMP International Shares Fund No. 2
AMP Moderate Balanced Fund
AMP Moderate Fund
AMP NZ Fixed Interest Fund
Mercer Balanced Fund
Milford Active Growth Fund
Milford Aggressive Fund
Milford Balanced Fund
Milford Conservative Fund
SuperLife Balanced Fund
SuperLife Growth Fund
SuperLife Moderate Fund
Eligibility to open an AMP KiwiSaver account
Most New Zealanders can join KiwiSaver. Find out if you’re eligible on the government’s KiwiSaver website.
How to open an AMP KiwiSaver account
Apply online on the AMP website.