Business Transaction & Savings Accounts Star Ratings
2016 5-Star winners
Business Saver Accounts
- Heartland Bank – Business Call account
- RaboDirect – RaboSaver for Business account
Business Transaction Accounts (High Transactor)
- BNZ – MyMoney for Business Account
- BNZ – TotalMoney for Business
- Kiwibank – Business Edge
Business Transaction Accounts (Low Transactor)
- BNZ – MyMoney for Business Account
- Kiwibank – Business Edge
Numbers crunched by Canstar Researchers

The state of business confidence in New Zealand at the start of the 16/17 financial year: Business optimism is above average, we expect to make a growing profit, and more businesses keep opening their doors.

Here are the products that received a five star rating in 2016.

Keeping fees under control is one way of curbing costs without any great effort. Checking out the fees you pay for your business accounts may surprise you.

About Star Ratings
Canstar’s Star Ratings are unique. We evaluate literally thousands of products from hundreds of financial institutions. Our expert researchers analyse every product by comparing price and features to determine what represents value.